Meet Blaze

Blaze 2021
Blaze is my watch horse. He is so attentive. Even when the horses are at the top of the hill in the pastures acres away, I can still see his head raise and his white blaze shimmer as he watches for me. I frequently get nickered at and that's all it takes to make the cares of the day melt away. He is attentive, playful, confident yet cautious, and very gentle. He loves to talk, roll, and trot. He is a wonderful partner under saddle and continues to make progress nearly every day.

Blaze 2022
My goal was to ride Breeze and Blaze by the time they were three years old. Although I don't have a picture of me riding Blaze (hard to take a selfy atop a horse), the look on Blaze's face is a good picture of how easy he is under saddle. He is truly a partner and although he does try some fancy footwork to get treats, generally he is attentive and tries hard to understand what I am asking. He is a very good communicator, both trying to understand as well as to be understood.