Meet The Animals
Boulder had pink eye when he was younger. His then owner took him under her wing & made sure he had the proper care to recover & to have surgery to remove one of his eyes. Although he does not have complete sight out of the remaining eye, we do think he can see some. His halter was borrowed from another rescue calf from Good Acres Sanctuaries.
Beauty came to us very underweight. She is still not nearly as big as Boulder (even though they are the same age), but she has grown out of her first halter. Her ribs are no longer visible. Beauty & Boulder took to each other right away. Around the farm, they are known as brother & sister. You rarely see one without the other.
Jaime adopted Thunder many years ago when Mike was gone on a golf trip. She saw him at the Franklin County Humane Society and filled out her papers when she saw him again at Feeders Supply. He is a magnificent cat. He is highly intelligent. He fetches, snuggles, and basically manages the animal kingdom in the barndo. He has a look at times that makes you expect him to suddenly start speaking profound truths in the English language.
Jaime adopted Stormy from the Franklin County Humane Society after visiting him at Feeders Supply. Stormy is petrified of storms while at the same time being the most "chill" cat we have ever owned, is an avid mouser (real or fake), and manages the administration of the farm. Every morning he hops up on the office desk to make sure Jaime is studying, planning, and paying everyone correctly. He also has an ear for music and loves to hear the piano. This face of annoyance is often seen if you spend too much money or hit the wrong note.